The German B1 language level is already proven if:
School attendance in Germany
If you have attended a German-speaking school, you do not need a B1 language certificate under the following conditions:
Four years of teaching at a German-speaking school
A German B1 language level is proven if you have successfully attended a German-speaking school for 4 years (i.e. you must have been promoted to a higher class). This does NOT apply if you have spent a long time in a foreign language country directly after attending school.
Secondary school leaving certificate
A German B1 language level is proven if you have a secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent.
Transfer to the 10th grade
A German B1 language level is proven if you have been transferred to a German-speaking secondary school (Realschule, Gymnasium, Gesamtschule) after completing the 10th grade.
Study in Germany
A German B1 language level is proven if you have a university entrance qualification and are enrolled at a German-speaking university or have successfully completed a course of study at a German-speaking university.
Vocational training
A German B1 language level is proven if you have successfully completed German vocational training.
Never again appointments in the Foreigners' office
No language certificate required
In the following cases, you do not need a language certificate:
Physical, mental or psychological disability or illness
If you are unable to demonstrate a language level due to a disability, illness or age. This includes restrictions that affect your ability to speak or write. In this case, a medical certificate is required.
Hardship regulation
You are also exempt from a language certificate if there is particular hardship.
Hardship exists, for example, if
- the physical, mental or psychological illness or disability does not make speaking and writing impossible, but makes it permanently and significantly more difficult,
- you were already over 50 years old when you entered the country,
- you have to care for a relative and therefore an integration course is impossible and unreasonable for you in the long term
The reasons must always be reported and proven to Foreigners' office .
Little need for integration
If you can express yourself in simple German and at the same time have a low need for integration, § 44 Para. 3 No. 2 AufenthG applies. There is a low need for integration if:
- you have a university or university of applied sciences degree or other equivalent qualification,
- or you are integrated into German living conditions and your livelihood is guaranteed without state assistance,
- or your stay regularly requires knowledge of German.
In this context, an obligation to participate in an integration course (Section 44a (2) No. 3 AufenthG) is not necessary if:
- you are disabled (with a certificate) or
- Caring for a family member with a disability.