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Settlement permit - What documents are required?

Written by:
Valentin Radonici
Expertly reviewed by:
Christin Schneider
Expert for Immigration law


Table of contents

The most important facts in brief

  • Applying for Settlement permit requires various documents, the scope of which varies depending on Foreigners' office .
  • Important documents are the current Residence permit, passport, biometric photo, rental contract and language certificate.
  • Additional documents depending on your profession or status may be required, such as an employment contract, proof of income or training certificates.
  • Migrando supports you with the legally compliant and fast application for Settlement permit.

A Settlement permit offers you many advantages. We at migrando have therefore made it our mission to help you apply for this important permanent residence permit. In today's article, we have summarized which documents you need for the Settlement permit and why.

Settlement permit - Documents

The immigration authorities require documents from the foreigner in order to be able to decide whether the Settlement permit can be granted. The requirements of the various immigration authorities vary greatly in this respect. Some immigration authorities require you to submit a large number of documents, while other authorities only require the most important documents. In addition, some of the documents for Settlement permit must be submitted in the original. Sometimes, however, it is sufficient to hand in a copy.

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The most important documents for Settlement permit at a glance

These documents must always be submitted to Foreigners' office

  • Current Residence permit Foreigners' office wants to ensure that the applicant is the right person.
  • Passport If you do not have a passport, you can prove your identity by submitting further documents (e.g. photo document, birth certificate, family register, etc.).
  • Biometric photograph An original biometric photograph must be submitted for the issue of the settlement permit card.
  • Tenancy agreement The tenancy agreement is one of the most important documents for Settlement permit, as it enables Foreigners' office to determine whether the applicant has sufficient living space of their own, as stipulated in Section 9 (2) no. 9 AufenthG.
  • Language certificate You must have sufficient language skills for Settlement permit . In principle, a B1 language certificate is sufficient. This does not apply to Persons with refugee status (according to § 26 para. 3 sentence 1 no. 3 AufenthG: A2) and for Persons with refugee status who require Settlement permit after 3 years (§ 26 Para.3 Sentence 3 No. 3 AufenthG).
  • Integration test "Living in Germany" Without proof of the integration test, Settlement permit will not be issued, see § 9 Para. 2 No. 8 AufenthG.
  • Extract from the Federal Central Criminal Register The Foreigners' office checks whether the applicant has committed a criminal offense. In the case of minor penalties, Settlement permit is issued. In the case of higher sentences (91 daily rates, suspended sentences, prison sentences), there is a negative entry in the Federal Central Register. In this case, a permanent right of residence cannot usually be granted. Further information on the Federal Central Criminal Register can be found here.

When will I receive the Settlement permit?

We will check for you which legal regulation is the quickest and easiest way to obtain Settlement permit . Let us advise you!

Employees:Settlement permit documents


In addition to the general documents, employees may have to submit further documents to Settlement permit , namely

  • Employment contract
    This is considered proof that your livelihood is secured, see § 9 Para. 2 No. 2 AufenthG. You can find out here when the authorities consider your livelihood to be secured.
  • Employer's certificate (not older than 14 days)
    In the case of older employment contracts, Foreigners' office uses this to check whether the employment relationship still exists.
  • payslips
    These documents for the application to Settlement permit serve as actual proof of income.
  • Proof of income (additional income, e.g. mini-job)
    With the help of additional proof of income, you can improve your chances of obtaining a Settlement permit , as you must prove that you are able to support yourself in accordance with § 9 Para. 2 No. 2 AufenthG. You can find out how much you need to earn to obtain a permanent residence permit here.
  • Bank statements
    Foreigners' office uses these documents to check whether rent payments are being made and wage payments are received. This enables the authorities to recognize that these are not just fictitious employment contracts.
  • Pension insurance notification/pension insurance notice
    In principle, employees must have paid 60 monthly contributions (5 years) into the German pension insurance scheme.
    The following are exempt from this requirement: Pupils, trainees, students, see § 9 para. 2 sentence 3 AufenthG and applicants with refugee status, § 26 Para. 3 AufenthG. The pension insurance notification is issued each year in March by the German pension insurance and is sufficient. However, if you need proof of German pension insurance during the course of the year, you can request a pension insurance notification. This is usually only issued to lawyers.
  • Jobcenter notification
    If the family receives a Jobcenter notification even though the applicant is working and earning money, it must be checked whether the family's livelihood is secured, i.e. whether at least 51% of their living expenses are covered by their own resources.
  • Housing benefit notification
    If the employee earns too little money and therefore receives housing benefit, it must be checked whether their livelihood is secured.
  • Negative test BAMF (for deciding whether revocation/withdrawal proceedings regarding the asylum decision have been completed)
    This document is only requested for foreigners who have applied for asylum and received a positive asylum decision (refugee status, subsidiary protection, ban on deportation). The BAMF examines whether the asylum decision was rightly issued several years after it was issued. This examination procedure can take years. A lawyer can speed up this procedure enormously, which means that you will receive proof much faster.

Apprentices: Neverpermit Documents

Unlike employees, trainees do not have to submit a copy of their employment contract or proof of pension insurance. However, Foreigners' office may require other documents from you for Settlement permit, namely

  • BAB decision
    The Foreigners' office checks whether your livelihood is secured.
    BAB (you can find out more about vocational training assistance here) does not count as the use of public funds in accordance with § 2 Para. 3 No. 5 AufenthG.
  • Apprenticeship contract
    The Foreigners' office checks whether you are really a trainee. If this is the case, simpler requirements for the Settlement permit apply to you.
  • Interim certificates
    As you will receive the Settlement permit under simplified conditions, the Foreigners' office will check whether a positive prognosis decision can be made. As you will be granted a permanent right of residence in Germany, it must be ensured that you really will complete your training successfully and will then be able to support yourself from your own resources.
  • Proof of income (additional income, e.g. mini-job)
    You will need these documents to prove any additional income.
    If you have a job in addition to your education, this can help to ensure that the prognosis decision is positive.
  • Proof of health insurance
    You must submit documents relating to your health insurance to Settlement permit , as Foreigners' office will check whether you have health insurance.
  • Notice of housing benefit
    If you earn too little money during your training and therefore receive housing benefit, it must be checked whether you are able to support yourself.
  • BAMF negative test (for deciding whether revocation/withdrawal proceedings regarding the asylum decision have been completed)
    This document is only requested for foreigners who have applied for asylum and received a positive asylum decision (refugee status, subsidiary protection, ban on deportation). The BAMF examines whether the asylum decision was rightly issued several years after it was issued. This examination procedure can take years. A lawyer can speed up this procedure enormously and thus obtain proof much faster.
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Students: Settlement permit Documents

Just like trainees, students are exempt from providing proof of some Settlement permit documents such as the employment contract and proof of pension insurance. They may have to submit other additional documents, namely:

  • Bafög decision
    The Foreigners' office checks whether your livelihood is secured. Vocational training allowance (BAB) does not count as use of public funds, see § 2 Para. 3 No. 5 AufenthG
  • Certificate of enrollment
    The Foreigners' office requires these documents to determine whether you are actually a student. If this is the case, simpler conditions apply to you for the issue of the Settlement permit .
  • Interim certificates
    As you will receive Settlement permit under simplified conditions, Foreigners' office will check whether a positive prognosis decision can be made. As the Settlement permit is an unlimited right of residence, it must be ensured that you successfully complete your training and then support yourself from your own resources.
  • Proof of income (additional income, e.g. mini-job)
    If you have a job alongside your studies, this can help to ensure that the prognosis decision is positive.
  • Proof of health insurance
    Foreigners' office will check whether you have health insurance.
  • Notice of housing benefit
    If the employee earns too little money and therefore receives housing benefit, it must be checked whether their livelihood is secured.
  • BAMF negative test (for deciding whether revocation/withdrawal proceedings regarding the asylum decision have been completed)
    This document is only requested for foreigners who have applied for asylum and received a positive asylum decision (refugee status, subsidiary protection, ban on deportation). The BAMF examines whether the asylum decision was rightly issued several years after it was issued. This examination procedure can take years. A lawyer can speed up this procedure enormously and thus obtain proof much faster.
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Self-employed persons/entrepreneurs:Documents Settlement permit

Additional requirements sometimes apply to applications from self-employed persons or entrepreneurs:

  • Proof of income
    The Foreigners' office must check whether you can secure your livelihood. Various documents are required for this:
  • Notice of housing benefit
    If you earn too little money and therefore receive housing benefit, it must be checked whether you are able to support yourself.
  • BAMF negative test (for deciding whether revocation/withdrawal proceedings regarding the asylum decision have been completed)
    This document is only requested for foreigners who have applied for asylum and received a positive asylum decision (refugee status, subsidiary protection, ban on deportation). The BAMF examines whether the asylum decision was rightly issued several years after it was issued. This examination procedure can take years. A lawyer can speed up this procedure enormously and thus obtain proof much faster.


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An overview of the many documents required is essential for a successful application to Settlement permit ( you can find out what you need to look out for here). We have presented and explained the most important points on the subject of Settlement permit documents for you here, although this list cannot be cannot be 100% exhaustive.

Migrando will help you to submit a legally compliant application and thus obtain Settlement permit as quickly as possible. Our lawyers know exactly what is important and have the necessary experience with the relevant authorities. So if you too would like to finally obtain a permanent residence permit, you are welcome to take our free test at

Never again appointments in the Foreigners' office
With Settlement permit , annoying appointments and long waiting times at Foreigners' office are a thing of the past!

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