- 02.07.2024
Naturalization: How to fill out the application correctly!
The video provides a step-by-step guide to completing the application for naturalization in Germany. It explains in detail the documents and forms required for the application. When filling out the main form, important personal details such as name, date of birth, place of birth and current address are explained in detail. A special focus is placed on the documents that must be enclosed, such as a passport, birth certificates and proof of language skills and the existence of an integration course. It also indicates what information is required regarding your professional situation, residence status and possible criminal convictions. Each section of the application, such as information on family and previous residence in Germany, is explained clearly and comprehensibly. At the end, common mistakes when completing the application are pointed out and tips are given on how to avoid them. Once the application has been successfully completed, the rest of the process is described, including submission to the relevant authority and the subsequent processing time. The aim is to provide viewers with all the information they need to fill out the application completely and correctly, making the process of Naturalization a smooth one.