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Smiling pupil sits in the classroom next to his classmates and listens attentively. This scene symbolizes school education, which can play an important role in connection with Naturalization , as certain school qualifications can replace proof of sufficient language skills such as the B1 certificate.

School-leaving qualification and Naturalization - Which qualification will save you the B1 certificate?

A school-leaving certificate can make it easier for you to provide proof of German language skills at B1 level for Naturalization . Depending on the qualification, you may not be required to provide a separate B1 certificate. Find out here which school-leaving qualifications are recognized and how they simplify the naturalization process.
Written by:
Valentin Radonici
Expertly reviewed by:
Christin Schneider
Expert for Immigration law


Table of contents

The most important facts in brief

  • A recognized school-leaving certificate can replace the B1 language certificate in the naturalization procedure if certain conditions are met.
  • The relevant qualifications include Hauptschulabschluss, Realschulabschluss, Fachhochschulreife and Allgemeine Hochschulreife.
  • The degree must be graded at least "sufficient" in German (grade 4) to be considered proof of language proficiency.
  • Each federal state has specific regulations on which qualifications are recognized as B1 substitutes, including professional qualifications with certain criteria.

The importance of the school leaving certificate for the Naturalization

A school-leaving certificate can be more than just proof of education - it can make your path to Naturalization easier. If you are seeking German citizenship, your school-leaving certificate may play an important role, as it can replace the language test. Which qualifications are important and what requirements do you need to fulfill?

Basics for the language certificate at the Naturalization

The legal basis for the naturalization requirements and thus for the language certificate at Naturalization can be found in Section 10 (1) No. 6 of the Residence Act. It states the following:

Legal text: "A foreigner who has been legally resident in Germany for five years and is capable of acting in accordance with § 34 sentence 1 or is legally represented shall be naturalized upon application if, among other things, he or she has sufficient knowledge of the German language in accordance with § 10 paragraph 1 no. 6 AufenthG."

School-leaving certificate as a substitute for the B1 language certificate

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has issued an application guide dating from 2015, which the naturalization offices can use as a guide to decide whether a school-leaving certificate is sufficient as proof of B1 or not.

The Federal Ministry's application note to the federal states states:

Quote: " The naturalization authority must determine whether the applicant has sufficient knowledge of the German language. The required language skills are generally proven if the naturalization applicant:

a) has received a certificate from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (before August 28, 2007 from an integration course provider) confirming successful participation in a language course as part of an integration course (Section 43 (4) of the Residence Act),

b) has obtained the Zertifikat Deutsch (B 1 GER) or an equivalent or higher language diploma,

c) has successfully attended a German-speaking school for four years (promotion to the next higher grade),

d) has obtained a Hauptschulabschluss or at least an equivalent German school-leaving qualification has acquired,

e) has been transferred to the tenth grade of a secondary German-speaking school (Realschule, Gymnasium or Gesamtschule) or

f) has successfully completed a course of study at a German-speaking university or university of applied sciences or German vocational training."

Which school-leaving qualifications are relevant?

There are various school-leaving qualifications that are relevant for Naturalization . These can save you from having to provide proof of the required language skills. The most important qualifications include:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  • Secondary school leaving certificate (Mittlere Reife)
  • Fachhochschulreife
  • General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
  • Vocational school qualifications

With an educational qualification listed above, you may be able to avoid the B1 language certificate and thus make your way to Naturalization easier.

Requirements for the German grade in relevant degrees

In addition to the degree itself, your performance in German is also important. As a rule, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum grade "sufficient" (grade 4)
  • Language level from B1 to C1, depending on the type of degree

You can show that your language skills meet the requirements of the naturalization procedure by providing proof of a relevant school-leaving certificate.

An important aspect for Naturalization is proof of sufficient German language skills. If you have a school-leaving certificate in Germany, it is sufficient to have achieved at least a grade of "sufficient" (4) in German. This can be a valuable alternative to the B1 certificate and make your naturalization application much easier. Make sure you provide the relevant certificates in good time!
press migrando christian
Christin Schneider
Expert in Immigration law

Lower Saxony

In Lower Saxony, these qualifications are accepted as a substitute for the B1 language certificate:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate: If German was passed with at least "sufficient", the Hauptschulabschluss is considered proof.
  • Secondary school leaving certificate: The secondary school leaving certificate is recognized if German is at least grade 4.
  • Abitur: If German was passed with at least grade 4, the Abitur is a valid certificate.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational school certificate: The vocational school certificate or successful vocational school attendance is also considered equivalent to the secondary general school certificate.
  • Basic vocational training year: The basic vocational training year at school is also equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss if it has been completed with a grade of 4 in all subjects.
  • One-year vocational school: Successful completion of the one-year vocational school is also equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss.
  • Legal basis: The legal basis is the Ordinance on the Equivalence of Vocational Education and Training Qualifications.


These qualifications apply in Schleswig-Holstein:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Recognized if German was graded at least "sufficient".
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate (Mittlerer Bildungsabschluss): Counts as proof of B1 if German is at least grade 4.
  • Abitur: If German was graded at least "sufficient", the Abitur is accepted.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational training: Completed vocational training at a vocational school is recognized in Schleswig-Holstein as a Hauptschulabschluss after grade 10 and thus as a B1 substitute. The requirement is the state regulation on vocational schools.


In Bremen, the following qualifications are recognized as B1 substitutes:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Counts as sufficient if German was graded at least "sufficient".
  • Secondary school leaving certificate: Is recognized if German reaches grade 4.
  • Abitur: The Abitur can also serve as proof if German has achieved at least grade 4.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational training: With a degree from a vocational school in Bremen, you have an equivalent qualification with a simple vocational training entrance qualification (Hauptschulabschluss). With five years of English or English at A2 level, you can obtain an extended vocational training certificate (Hauptschule grade 10).
  • With an average grade of 3.0 as a vocational school leaving certificate and 5 years of English with a grade of 4.0 or a B1 in English, you have an intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschule). The legal requirement is the vocational school regulations of Bremen. 


These regulations apply in Hamburg:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Recognized if German is at least grade 4.
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate: If German is at least "sufficient", the qualification is recognized.
  • Abitur: The Abitur also counts as proof if German reaches at least grade 4.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational qualifications: According to the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, a vocational school leaving certificate is equivalent to the first general school leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss).
  • With an average grade of 3.0, sufficient knowledge of a foreign language and at least two years of vocational training in a recognized apprenticeship, you are equivalent to an intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss).

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, these qualifications are regarded as substitutes:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Recognized if German reaches at least grade 4.
  • Realschulabschluss: Recognized if German was passed with at least "sufficient".
  • Abitur: The Abitur also counts as proof if German reaches at least grade 4.

Additionally recognized:

  • Completion of vocational training: If you have completed vocational training, you have a qualification equivalent to the vocational school leaving certificate (Hauptschule)
  • Skilled worker certificate: If you have successfully obtained a skilled worker's certificate, you also have a vocational qualification.
  • Vocational preparation years: With the one-year vocational preparation year, the two-year vocational preparation year and the vocational preparation year for foreigners, you have also achieved a vocational qualification. You will also need a qualification module and successful additional lessons in German, social studies, English and mathematics.


Similar regulations apply in Thuringia:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Counts as sufficient if German has achieved at least grade 4.
  • Secondary school certificate: If German was graded at least "sufficient", this qualification is regarded as proof of B1.
  • Abitur: Is recognized if German was graded at least "sufficient".

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational training: Vocational training at a vocational school lasts 3 years in Thuringia. If you do not graduate, you will also receive a secondary general school certificate upon successful completion of your vocational training. 
  • Vocational preparation year: If you attend and successfully complete a vocational preparation year as a student, then you have acquired a qualification equivalent to a secondary general school certificate.

School-leaving qualifications recognized as B1 substitutes in the federal states

Each federal state in Germany has slightly different regulations regarding which school-leaving qualifications or vocational qualifications are recognized as a substitute for the B1 language certificate. In many cases, not only traditional qualifications such as the Hauptschulabschluss or the Abitur can suffice as proof, but also vocational qualifications or diplomas, provided they meet certain requirements for German language skills.


In Baden-Württemberg, the acquisition of the following qualifications is recognized as a substitute for the B1 language certificate:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Counts as sufficient if German was passed with at least "sufficient" (grade 4).
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss): Also recognized if German was graded at least "sufficient".
  • Abitur (general higher education entrance qualification): The Abitur can also serve as proof of B1 German language skills as long as the German grade is at least "sufficient".

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational training: Vocational qualifications, such as a completed apprenticeship with a minimum duration of 2 years, are accepted if German language skills at B1 level can be proven during the training.

In Baden-Württemberg, vocational training (a second educational pathway) at a vocational school is recognized as equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss if it lasts at least two years. School-leaving qualifications obtained at a vocational school can also be regarded as equivalent. It is also possible for a pupil to catch up on a school-leaving qualification.

The state law of Baden-Württemberg stipulates that a qualification from a vocational school is equivalent to a Hauptschule qualification. It is important that you have your training qualification recognized as a Hauptschule qualification by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education. 


Bavaria recognizes the following qualifications as a substitute for the B1 certificate:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: The qualification (in Bavaria Mittelschulabschluss) must include German with at least "sufficient" (grade 4). 
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss): Also counts as B1 proof if German is at least grade 4.
  • Abitur (general higher education entrance qualification): If German was graded at least "sufficient", the Abitur is recognized.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational training: Completed vocational training, e.g. in the dual system, replaces the Hauptschulabschluss. A qualification from a vocational school can lead to either a secondary school leaving certificate or an intermediate school leaving certificate. The requirements for this are set out in Bavaria's vocational school regulations
  • Recognition: Your vocational training must be recognized by the Ministry of Education in Bavaria.


In Berlin, the following school-leaving qualifications are considered B1 substitutes:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate: With a grade of at least "sufficient" in German, the secondary school leaving certificate can be used as proof of B1 level.
  • Mittlerer Schulabschluss (MSA): Recognized if German was passed with at least grade 4.
  • Abitur: The Abitur is also sufficient if German was graded at least "sufficient".

In Berlin, it is also possible to obtain a secondary general school certificate by completing an apprenticeship with school content (the type of school is therefore part of the apprenticeship) and have this recognized. Recognition is granted by the Education Department of the Berlin Senate. 


Brandenburg recognizes these qualifications as a substitute for the B1 certificate:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate: The secondary school leaving certificate is recognized if German was graded at least "sufficient".
  • Secondary school leaving certificate: Recognized if the German grade is at least 4.
  • Abitur: The Abitur is accepted as proof if German was passed with at least "sufficient".

Additionally recognized:

  • One-year vocational school course at a college or technical college: You can attend and complete a one-year vocational school course in Brandenburg. The qualification leads to an educational qualification (Hauptschulabschluss). 
  • Completion of vocational training (two years): The completion of an apprenticeship (minimum 2 years) also leads to the receipt of educational maturity. Recognition is also important here!
  • Legal requirement: The legal requirement is the ordinance on educational programs in Brandenburg.

North Rhine-Westphalia

The following qualifications are recognized in North Rhine-Westphalia:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate: If German was passed with at least "sufficient", the Hauptschulabschluss is considered a B1 substitute.
  • Intermediate school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss): Also recognized if German is at least grade 4.
  • Abitur: The Abitur is recognized if German was graded at least "sufficient".

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational training: You can achieve the extended first school-leaving certificate (10th grade Hauptschulabschluss) with vocational training.
  • Weiterbildungskolleg: You can obtain the first school-leaving certificate (Hauptschulabschluss) at a Weiterbildungskolleg. The legal requirements for this are the school regulations of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia


The following qualifications are recognized in Saxony:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Recognized if German reaches at least grade 4.
  • Intermediate school-leaving certificate: Applies as proof if German is at least grade 4.
  • Abitur: Accepted if German is at least grade 4.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational school: You can attend a vocational school in Saxony for 3 years and, if you successfully complete it, obtain a secondary school leaving certificate with access to the upper secondary level.
  • Vocational school: After 3 years at a vocational school, you will have a qualification equivalent to a secondary school leaving certificate.


These regulations apply in Saxony-Anhalt:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate: If German was passed with at least "sufficient", this qualification is considered proof.
  • Secondary school leaving certificate: Recognized if German is at least grade 4.
  • Abitur: Counts as B1 proof if German has at least grade 4.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational school leaving certificate: According to Saxony-Anhalt state law, a two-year qualification with sufficient grades from vocational school or completion of the journeyman's examination leads to the Hauptschulabschluss.
  • With a grade point average of 3.0 and sufficient foreign language skills (5 years of foreign language lessons at B1 level), you can obtain a qualification equivalent to the Realschulabschluss. 


In Hesse, the following qualifications are considered substitutes:

  • Hauptschulabschluss: Recognized if German was passed with at least "sufficient".
  • Realschulabschluss (secondary school leaving certificate): Valid as proof if German reaches grade 4
  • Abitur: Counts as B1 proof if German has at least grade 4.

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational school certificate: As a vocational school student, you will receive a certificate equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss after three years of vocational school if you can present a leaving certificate after grade 8 from a general school. The legal requirement is the regulation for vocational schools in Hesse.


These qualifications are recognized in Saarland:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  • Secondary school certificate
  • A-levels

Grade requirement: German at least "sufficient" (4).

Additionally recognized: 

  • Pre-vocational training courses: If you successfully complete 1 year of training preparation in pre-vocational training courses, you will receive a qualification equivalent to a secondary general school certificate.
  • Vocational school certificate: After 2.5-3.5 years at a vocational school, you will obtain a qualification equivalent to a secondary general school leaving certificate.


Rhineland-Palatinate offers the following options:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  • Secondary school certificate
  • A-levels

Grade requirement: German at least "sufficient" (4).

Additionally recognized:

  • Vocational school 1: The vocational school lasts one year in Rhineland-Palatinate. Upon successful completion, you will receive a qualification equivalent to the Hauptschulabschluss.
  • Vocational school 2: Vocational school 2 lasts two years in Rhineland-Palatinate. Upon completion, you will receive an extended secondary school leaving certificate (grade 10).
  • Legal basis: The legal basis is the state law of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Advantages of a school-leaving certificate compared to the B1 certificate

Proof of sufficient language skills is a decisive factor when applying to Naturalization in Germany. Many applicants ask themselves whether they really need the B1 certificate or whether their school-leaving certificate might be sufficient. In fact, a school-leaving certificate has several advantages over a B1 language certificate. Let's take a closer look at these:

No additional tests necessary

A major advantage of a recognized school-leaving certificate is that you do not have to take any additional language examinations. Many school-leaving qualifications, especially those from secondary education, already demonstrate sufficient knowledge of German to meet the requirements of B1 level. This saves you the time and costs associated with a separate exam. You already have everything you need in your hands!

  • No language test necessary: If you have a relevant school-leaving qualification, proof of German language skills is provided by the school-leaving certificates.
  • No costs for external exams: Language exams such as the B1 exam of the Goethe-Institut often cost money, which you can save by obtaining a recognized school-leaving certificate.

Simpler naturalization process

With a school-leaving certificate that meets the language requirements, the entire naturalization process is often less complicated. The relevant authorities usually recognize school-leaving certificates without further examination, which shortens the processing time and makes the process smoother for you.

  • Less bureaucracy: school-leaving qualifications, especially from German schools, are generally recognized by the authorities, which means that no further proof needs to be provided.
  • Faster processing: Since you no longer need to submit an additional language test or certificate, your naturalization application can be processed more quickly.

Recognition in all federal states

Another decisive advantage of a recognized school-leaving certificate is that it is accepted in all federal states. Unlike language certificates, which can vary depending on the institution and examination location, German school-leaving certificates are uniform throughout Germany and are accepted by the naturalization authorities throughout the country.

  • Nationwide validity: Regardless of whether you live in Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia or Schleswig-Holstein - a recognized school-leaving certificate is accepted everywhere as proof of sufficient language skills.
  • No regional differences: While some language certificates can be handled differently depending on the federal state, this is not the case with school-leaving certificates.
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Conclusion on the subject of school-leaving qualifications as proof of language proficiency at the Naturalization

As you can see at Blog , a school-leaving certificate offers you many advantages when it comes to proving your German language skills at Naturalization . It can replace the B1 language certificate and simplify the entire naturalization process.

The most important key points for the school-leaving certificate as proof

  • No language tests: Recognized school-leaving certificates automatically prove your knowledge of German.
  • Simple process: less bureaucracy and faster processing at Naturalization.
  • Nationwide acceptance: Your school-leaving certificate is recognized in all federal states.
  • Grades: The minimum requirement is that you have received a grade 4 (sufficient) for your degree.
  • Training can also be used as proof: Training courses at vocational colleges or vocational schools can also be used as proof. In some cases, you must apply for recognition from the state ministry.

Importance of providing certificates in good time

Make sure that you submit your certificates on time. These documents are essential to prove your knowledge of German and to make the naturalization process run smoothly. Early organization saves time and ensures that your application is processed without delays.

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FAQ - All important questions about the school-leaving certificate as proof of language proficiency

The following school-leaving qualifications are available in Germany:

  • Secondary school certificate (after the 9th grade)
  • Realschulabschluss (intermediate school leaving certificate, after the 10th grade)
  • Fachhochschulreife (entitles you to study at universities of applied sciences)
  • General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, entitles you to study at universities)

The most important school-leaving qualifications in Germany are:

  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  • Secondary school certificate
  • Fachhochschulreife
  • General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
  • Vocational school qualifications (in conjunction with a completed apprenticeship)

The school leaving certificate after the 9th grade is called Hauptschulabschluss.

For Naturalization , you generally need a school-leaving certificate that proves your German language skills at level B1. This can be a Hauptschulabschluss, Realschulabschluss, Fachhochschulreife or Abitur, provided that the German language skills have been proven accordingly. Another proof of sufficient language skills is the successful completion of four years of schooling (promotion to the next higher class).

The grade requirements vary depending on the federal state and individual case. As a rule, it is sufficient to have a grade of at least sufficient (4) or better in German in order to obtain the B1 certificate.

For the language certificate at Naturalization , you must generally achieve a grade of at least sufficient (grade 4) or better in German.

Yes, you can use your qualification from abroad in Germany, but it must first be recognized by the relevant certificate recognition office. This checks the equivalence of your qualification with a German school-leaving qualification. In addition, proof of sufficient knowledge of German is often required, often at least at level B1.

If you do not have a school-leaving qualification in Germany, you can present a B1 language certificate instead. Alternatively, you can apply for recognition of a foreign qualification. In some cases, a professional qualification or an integration course can also be recognized as proof of language proficiency.

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