- 19.04.2024
Deportation despite job offer from TESLA!
The video addresses the bureaucratic hurdles for foreign skilled workers in Germany based on a specific case. A well-educated Nigerian was asked to leave Germany because he did not have Residence permit . Although he had a job offer from Tesla, he was unable to work as he did not receive a work permit. This led to a vicious bureaucratic circle, as the Foreigners' office could not issue a Residence permit without having an employment contract, while Tesla could not sign a contract without having a Residence permit . The solution would have been a fictitious certificate with a work permit, followed by a binding job offer from Tesla and approval from the Federal Employment Agency. Nevertheless, coordination between the institutions often failed. The video creator shows six simple steps to solve the problem. At the end, viewers are encouraged to share similar experiences and indicate in which city they had problems with bureaucracy.