- 12.05.2022
Everything about Settlement permit for foreign students!
You are a student, have a temporary right of residence, finally want a permanent residence permit Residence permit and are interested in the Settlement permit for foreign students?
In this video you will learn how you as a student can get the Settlement permit as a student. You will also find out which requirements you need to meet. We also explain the problems that arise when applying. At the end of the video, you will learn several valuable tips on how to obtain a permanent right of residence more quickly and easily.
As a student, you will find it easier to obtain the Settlement permit than under many other conditions. The reason for this is simple: Germany needs skilled workers!
Once you have completed your studies, you can take up a position as a skilled worker in Germany and, with an employment contract, obtain the EU Blue Card in accordance with Section 18b AufenthG. The requirements for good integration are therefore clearly visible in your case. This will help the authorities to assess your application at Settlement permit.