- 12.05.2022
10 reasons why immigration authorities wrongly block the issue of Settlement permit
In this video, you will learn the 10 most common reasons why immigration authorities reject applications for Settlement permit . Unfortunately, we see time and again that immigration authorities do not issue the Settlement permit even though all the requirements are met.
If you watch this video, you will know the mistakes made by the immigration authorities and learn the arguments why the immigration authorities wrongly do not issue the Settlement permit .
The immigration authorities are generally responsible for checking whether you as an applicant meet the conditions for Naturalization in accordance with § 10 StAG or not. Reasons for negative decisions may include missing pension insurance contributions, incomplete security checks or the problem that the authority is not processing your application.
If your application has not been processed, you should always bear in mind the time limit of 12 weeks. The authorities are obliged to process your application within 12 weeks. If this does not happen, you have the right to file a Lawsuit for failure of act to file an appeal.