- 05.09.2023
Do you get the Naturalization as an Iranian?
This video deals with the topic: Naturalization as an Iranian. Are you an Iranian citizen and want to know how and whether your Naturalization works? Here you will get all the answers to your questions and we will show you which things are typical for the Naturalization as an Iranian in our experience.
In our experience, the Naturalization as an Iranian is easily possible. In our experience, most Iranians have residence status, refugee status or Residence permit subsidiary protection. With these residence titles, Naturalization is possible without any problems. There are some exceptions that prohibit deportation according to § 25 para. 3 AufenthG have. In this case, the Residence permit must be changed and then you can apply for Naturalization .
It is generally important that you submit complete documents. So before you submit an application with documents, check carefully whether you really have all the documents together and whether your application form has been completed in full. Nothing is more annoying than incomplete applications and a negative decision as a result.