- 18.08.2022
Naturalization: Problems with the employment contract
Problems with the employment contract at Naturalization. We hear this problem again and again. However, the law does not explicitly state exactly which employment contract you need. Watch this video to find out everything you need to know about the employment contract at Naturalization and why misunderstandings can arise.
In principle, you must secure your livelihood from your own resources. Ultimately, you have to earn enough money for the Naturalization . Nevertheless, we have found that the authorities at Naturalization demand open-ended employment contracts. In our view, however, there is no legal basis for this.
Whether you have a fixed-term or permanent employment contract is irrelevant when assessing whether you can earn a living for yourself and your family. Other criteria are much more important and have a much greater significance in the Naturalization.
The main reason for this is that the picture on the labor market has changed over the years and a temporary job no longer has the reputation it once had. It is also normal that jobs are initially temporary when you start them. This says little about the chances of Naturalization .