- 05.09.2023
Does Naturalization work as a Syrian?
In this video, we explain the most important facts about Naturalization as a Syrian. We show you how to get to Naturalization as a Syrian citizen and what you need to pay the most attention to when applying for German citizenship. You will find out which things you need to pay particular attention to at Naturalization .
Most Syrians have come to Germany via family reunification or have refugee status or subsidiary protection. With these prerequisites Naturalization in Germany is always possible in principle. In our experience, the most complicated part can be clarifying the identity and extending the national passport due to long waiting times at the embassy.
It is important that you remember the other requirements in addition to your Residence permit . These include legal residency, clarification of your identity, a signed declaration of loyalty and a successful naturalization test. You can find all the requirements under § 10 StAG and use this paragraph as a guide for Naturalization