Is a language certificate at A2 level sufficient for Naturalization?
In principle, you cannot apply for Naturalization with A2. Requirement for Naturalization according to § 10 sentence 1 number 6 StAG are sufficient knowledge of the German language, i.e. a language level B1.
There are some exceptions where you do not need to provide proof of a B1 certificate. These include
- School and professional language skills
- Proof of illness or disability
- Guest workers and contract workers who were the new naturalization law have received relief in terms of language skills.
1. exception: persons with illness or disability
According to Section 10 (6) AufenthG, people who have a demonstrable illness or disabilitywhich makes it impossible to attend a language course are exempt from providing proof of the language certificate. However, this must be a medical certificate or a certificate of severe disability. You will always need both a certificate from your family doctor and a certificate from a specialist.
2. exception: older people and children under the age of 16
According to § 10 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 6 AufenthG, old age is also age is also a reason for an exception to the language requirement According to the definition of the United Nations this applies from the age of 60, according to definition of the Council of Europe from the age of 65. So if you can prove that you cannot reasonably be expected to attend a language course due to your age, then this also counts as a substitute for the language certificate.
Children under the age of 16 do not need to provide if they have a language development appropriate to their age (§ 10 paragraph 4 StAG).
3. exception: proof to avoid hardship
If, according to § 10 paragraph 4a AufenthG have tried several times in vain to reach the B1 language levelthis may be waived under certain circumstances. You must be able to prove this and there must be no other reason that prevents your Naturalization . However, you must be able to communicate orally in everyday life, otherwise Naturalization is not possible.
4. exception: immigrants of the guest worker generation
If you are a guest worker in the FRG or as a contract worker in the GDR you are subject to simplified language requirements. According to § 10 Para. 4 StAG, proof of an A1 certificate is sufficient in this case and thus proof that you can communicate in German in everyday life without any significant problems.
5. exception: school and professional certificates
If you can provide evidence of B1 level from school or work, you do not need to provide an extra B1 certificate. The proof of your schooling, apprenticeship or period of study is sufficient as proof of language skills for Naturalization after 5 years.
- School-leaving certificate: Hauptschule or grade 10 with at least grade 4 (sufficient) in German on the final certificate.
- Education: Completion of training in Germany.
- Study: Degree in Germany
6. exception: Completed integration course
The integration course consists of an orientation course and a language course. The language course ends with a B1 language test. So if you have have successfully completed an integration course you have a certificate that is sufficient for the language certificate for Naturalization .
The integration course normally over 700 teaching units. With good knowledge and good learning skills, you can also do it as an intensive course in 430 units. With 700 teaching units, the integration course costs according to BAMF 1.603 €. Tolerated persons according to § 60a AufenthG, holders of § 25 para. 5 AufenthG, late repatriates and asylum seekers with prospects of staying are exempt from the costs.
How do I get from A2 to B1?
There are for you different waysto progress from language level A2 to B1. For example, you can learn at home or improve your German skills in contact with other people. There is also a way in which you can automatically reach B1 level.
How can I learn German?
As proof of your achieved language level B1 for the naturalization requirements you need a certificate. You can obtain this by passing a recognized B1 exam from providers such as the Goethe-Institut or adult education centers. You can learn the official way by taking a B1 course to prepare for the exam.
Other learning opportunities are available to you at home and in everyday life at home:
- Watching German television.
- Read German newspapers.
- Read German books.
- Conversing in German.
How to obtain B1 level automatically
If you have completed automatically provide proof of B1 level with training completed in Germany. The school-based part of your training is recognized as B1 level and is therefore valid as proof of sufficient knowledge of the German language.
Your B1 level is also automatically proven with a degree in Germany. In this case a proof of the degree as evidence for your existing language skills.
Also a school leaving certificate (Hauptschule or 10th grade) with at least grade 4 in German is recognized as a B1 certificate. You can also have the level recognized when visiting German schools abroad.
Help with the application for Naturalization with A2
Are you unsure how to apply for Naturalization with A2? We at Migrando have years of experience in assisting clients with their naturalization application and in communicating with the naturalization authorities. Let us apply for your Naturalization together. We will be happy to support and advise you!
FAQ - frequently asked questions about language level A2 for Naturalization
In principle, a B1 language level is required for Naturalization. However, there are several exceptionswhere Naturalization is also possible with a lower language level than B1.
YesYou can apply for Naturalization with a German education if you are about to graduate and have already signed an employment contract. It must be clear that there is a positive prognosis for your livelihood. You must also meet all other requirements.
The Naturalization and the German passport with A2 language level can be applied for by peoplewho came to the FRG as guest workers or contract workers in the GDR. In addition, people can prove that a B1 language course is not feasible for reasons of age or illness. There is also an exception for people who have failed a B1 language course several times and for whom the avoidance of hardship applies.
Yes. The integration course is not a prerequisite for naturalization. However, once you have completed the integration course, you will receive a B1 level, as the language course is part of the integration course. It is therefore worth taking an integration course in order to meet the language requirements for Naturalization .
This is different depending on the federal state. For this reason, it is important to research the requirements of the Ministry of Education in the respective federal state. This will help you find out exactly whether your school-leaving certificate is sufficient for Naturalization .