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A young woman wearing a hijab sits at a desk and works on her laptop. While she talks on the phone, she makes notes in a notebook. She is looking up information about the Bafög application to apply for financial support for her studies. The digital application makes the process of applying for Bafög easier for her

Application for BAföG and Naturalization - Your big one Blog

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to BAföG and Naturalization! Here you can find out everything you need to know, from the application process to repayment. We will show you how BAföG supports your studies and how you can master your Naturalization without any problems.
Written by:
Valentin Radonici
Expertly reviewed by:
Daniel Orsin


Table of contents

The most important facts in brief

  • BAföG is not considered a social benefit and does not have a negative impact on your Naturalization .
  • Important documents for Naturalization are the BAföG notification and any proof of income.
  • The repayment of BAföG remains in place even after Naturalization , but the modalities are flexible.
  • When applying for BAföG, you will need proof of income from your parents, a certificate of enrollment and other relevant documents.

How does Bafög affect the livelihood of Naturalization?

The question of whether people who apply for BAföG and receive BAföG meet the requirements for Naturalization often arises. Of particular relevance here is securing a livelihood, which is a central condition for Naturalization in Germany. BAföG plays a special role here, as it is not considered a social benefit and therefore has no negative impact on your naturalization process.

Securing a livelihood and naturalization requirements

In order to successfully complete Naturalization , you must prove that you can support yourself independently. But what happens if you receive BAföG during your studies?

Important points:

  • BAföG is not considered a social benefit: The Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) is not a social benefit, but an educational grant that is primarily paid as an interest-free loan. Therefore, receiving BAföG does not usually affect your naturalization process.
  • Other income: In addition to BAföG, it can be helpful to provide evidence of additional income such as part-time jobs or scholarships to support your financial independence.
  • Evidence: You must be able to credibly demonstrate to the authorities that you will be able to support yourself after your studies without BAföG.

Naturalization process with BAfög application

The Naturalization and the BAföG application can run in parallel without the two processes getting in each other's way. However, it is important that you can provide the necessary proof of your financial situation and your study progress. 

The requirements for Naturalization are set out in § 10 StAG. The conditions include, for example, legal residence in Germany for at least 5 years, language skills, clarification of identity and more. 

Steps in the naturalization process:

  1. Submit an application to Naturalization : You can do this at your local naturalization authority.
  2. Proof of livelihood: This also includes proof of income from BAföG and any part-time jobs.
  3. Completion of the naturalization procedure: As soon as all requirements have been met, you will be granted German citizenship.

During the procedure, it will be checked whether you are able to support yourself in the long term. The fact that you receive BAföG is not a negative factor here.

ATTENTION: Even if receiving BAföG makes your naturalization process easier. You cannot apply for Naturalization directly with a right of residence according to §§ 16a,16b,16d,16e,16f,16g,17 AufenthG! The same rules apply as for Naturalization with BAB. The Naturalization with student visa is not possible!

So you will probably have to switch to a Residence permit that works with Naturalization and is not blocked before applying for Naturalization ! Check in § 10 StAG exactly with which Residence permit the application to obtain German citizenship does not work!

What advantages does Bafög offer for the naturalization process?

BAföG can not only help you during your studies, but can also have a positive impact on your naturalization process.

Advantages of receiving BAföG:

  • Support during your studies: BAföG allows you to concentrate on your studies, which in turn increases the chance of successfully completing your studies and thus ensuring financial security after graduation.
  • Promoting independence: Since BAföG serves to secure your education, you show the naturalization authorities that you are actively working on your future and preparing for an independent life in Germany.

Special features for international students

Special regulations apply to international students when it comes to BAföG and Naturalization . You should pay particular attention to a few points:

  • Residence status: Non-EU citizens who have been living in Germany for some time or have a permanent residence permit may be able to apply for BAföG. This strengthens your financial situation and helps you to meet the requirements for Naturalization .
  • Future prospects: The successful completion of a degree and subsequent integration into the German job market are important factors that can improve your chances of naturalization.
Receiving BAföG during your studies can have a positive effect on your application for naturalization, as BAföG is not considered a social benefit and the requirements for a livelihood prognosis are lower for students. Make sure that you carefully prepare all relevant documents, such as BAföG notifications and proof of your academic achievements, to increase your chances of a positive decision, but also note that you will have to repay BAföG even if you live abroad.
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Christin Schneider
Expert in Immigration law

BAföG repayment modalities and their impact on the naturalization process

For many BAföG recipients, the repayment phase begins after graduation. It is important to know what the repayment arrangements are and what impact this may have on your Naturalization . Fortunately, there are a few simplifications that allow you to make repayments flexibly without negatively impacting your financial situation.

When and how must BAföG be repaid?

Repayment of BAföG usually begins around five years after the end of the maximum funding period, i.e. some time after you have completed your studies. However, there are various modalities that help you to adapt the repayment to your individual circumstances.

Important points for repayment:

  • Loan portion: Only the loan portion, usually 50% of the funding received, must be repaid. The rest is a grant and does not have to be repaid.
  • Maximum amount: The maximum repayment amount is limited to 10,000 euros. This means that even if you have received more BAföG, this amount will not be exceeded.
  • Payment in installments: The monthly repayment rate is 150 euros, but can be adjusted depending on your income.
  • Early repayment: If you repay the amount early in one lump sum, you can receive a partial waiver.

The repayment of BAföG has no negative impact on your naturalization process. The decisive factor is that you meet your obligations on time or apply for an adjustment of the installments in the event of financial difficulties.

Repayment from abroad: What should I bear in mind?

If you move abroad after your studies, special regulations apply to the repayment of your BAföG loan. German Repayment Abroad offers you flexible options, even if you work or live outside Germany.

Special features of repayments from abroad:

  • Repayment obligation remains in place: Even if you live abroad, you are still obliged to make repayments. The Federal Office of Administration, which is responsible for BAföG repayments, will inform you in good time about your payment arrangements.
  • Adjustment of installments: If your income abroad is lower, you can apply for an adjustment of the repayment installments. This also applies to longer stays abroad.
  • Exchange rate: Repayment is made in euros, so you should take possible exchange rate fluctuations into account when paying from a non-EU country.

The BAföG repayment from abroad does not require any additional steps in the naturalization process, as your repayment modalities are regulated directly with the Federal Office of Administration.

Naturalization with BAföG?
Do you receive BAföG and don't know whether you can apply for Naturalization ? Take our free test! We will get back to you and show you the quickest way to obtain German citizenship!

Background information on applying for BAföG

If you need financial support as a student, applying for BAföG is an important option. The Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) offers students the opportunity to finance their education if their own funds or those of their parents are not sufficient. But what do you need to consider and what steps are necessary?

Application for BAföG for financial support

By applying for educational support, you ensure that you have the chance to complete your studies without financial worries. The application is submitted to the Office for Educational Support The application for BAföG itself is straightforward, but you should have all the necessary documents to hand.

These include, among others:

  • Proof of income from your parents
  • Certificate of enrollment from the university
  • Current proof of your housing situation

As soon as all documents have been submitted, your application for BAföG will be reviewed. You will usually find out within a few weeks whether you will receive BAföG and how much support you will receive.

New law on BAföG reform

The 29th BAföG reform adopted in June 2024 brings numerous advantages for students applying for BAföG. Since August 1, 2024, students can benefit from adjusted funding amounts for the start of the winter semester (October 2024), which will particularly benefit low-income households.

A study start-up grant of 1,000 euros will also be introduced, which will be paid out once to make it financially easier to start studying. Section 12 and Section 13 BAföG provide the legal guideline for the amount of the benefit rates. 

The amount of BAföG depends on your educational situation. For example, the maximum rate for students at higher technical colleges, academies or universities who no longer live with their parents is 855 euros, although the amount can rise to 992 euros including health and long-term care insurance supplements. For students who attend a secondary school and do not live with their parents, the maximum rate is 666 euros (maximum 803 euros with supplements).

Find out more about the current rates on the website of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). The BAföG digital app has been available since February 26. This also has a BAföG calculator that you can use to calculate your rate.

Overall, the reform is intended to offer more flexibility and better financial support to facilitate access to education and relieve the burden on students.

BAföG & Naturalization - Why it is not considered a social benefit

An important point that often causes confusion is the question of whether BAföG is considered a social benefit. It is not a social benefit in the traditional sense, as it is mainly an interest-free loan that you will have to repay in part at a later date. BAföG is therefore a subsidy that focuses on your future and supports you during your education.

Requirements for applying for BAföG

Would you like to apply for BAföG and secure yourself financially during your training? Before you start, it is important to know the necessary requirements. We explain who is eligible, what documents are required and what you should look out for when applying.

Who can apply for Bafög?

BAföG funding is not available to everyone, but many students and trainees meet the criteria. To ensure that you are eligible, check the following points:

  • Age: BAföG can be applied for up to the age of 30 (or 35 for Master's programs).
  • Nationality: Germans and EU citizens working in Germany are eligible. Non-EU citizens with a long-term residence permit can also be supported under certain conditions.
  • Educational pathway: Entitlement exists for students at universities, universities of applied sciences and for certain school courses.
  • Income: The amount of BAföG depends on your parents' income, your own income and assets. However, there are allowances that are not taken into account.

What documents are required for the BAföG application?

To ensure that your application can be processed quickly, all documents should be complete. These documents and application forms are important:

  • Identity card or passport
  • Application form 
  • Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 
  • Form 5 (before the 5th semester)
  • Certificate of enrollment from your university
  • Certificate from the Studierendenwerk if available
  • Parents' proof of income (from the calendar year before last)
  • Your own proof of income (if you work)
  • Tenancy agreement or proof of living situation
  • Bank details for payment

As soon as you have all the documents for your BAföG application together and your application is complete, you can submit it. Missing documents often delay processing, so it is advisable to check everything thoroughly in advance.

The Office for Educational Assistance in your district/city is responsible for processing your application. You must submit the documents to the office. The BAföG application can be submitted by post (print out the documents and send the complete application) or online (documents as PDF).

ATTENTION!!!: The application for BAföG must be renewed every semester. It is not sufficient to submit only one application at the beginning of your studies. The application must be renewed for each semester.

The BAfög application step by step

The BAföG application is your ticket to financial support during your studies or training. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, you should be familiar with the process and prepare well in advance. Here you will find a step-by-step guide on how to submit the application and what you should pay attention to.

Where and how is the application submitted?

The application for BAföG is submitted to the responsible office for educational support. Depending on where you are studying or training, the BAföG office can be found either at your university or in your region. You can submit the application using a form (i.e. forms) or informally. An informal application means that there is no form and no fixed form. 

Important steps for the application:

  • Find the responsible office: Check which BAföG office is responsible for you. Your university often provides information on this.
  • Fill out the application form: You can download the form online or directly from the BAföG office or pick it up there.
  • Enclose all necessary documents: Make sure that all required documents are submitted. Missing documents can delay processing.

The processing time for a BAföG application is often 6 to 8 weeks. To avoid waiting times, you should submit your application as early as possible.

Digital application: BAfög Digital

For some time now, you have also been able to submit your BAföG application digitally (you can submit the application online). The Bafög Digital system offers a user-friendly interface and saves you time when submitting your application.

Advantages of digital application:

  • Time saving: No mailing, everything goes directly online.
  • Document upload: Upload your documents directly.
  • Processing status: You can view the processing status of your application at any time.

To submit your application online, you need a user account with BAföG Digital. Registration is simple and will guide you through the process step by step.

Forms and deadlines for BAföG applications

To ensure that your application for BAföG is processed on time, you should pay attention to the deadlines. Late applications can result in you not receiving any funding for months.

Important forms:

  • Form 1: This contains all the information about you as a person. It must be handed in by the start of the semester at the latest
  • Form 2: This is the certificate according to § 9 BAföG paragraph 1, 2 or 3.
  • Form 3: This contains information on your parents' income. It is submitted with the main application
  • Form 4: Form 4 concerns your children, if you have any. 
  • Form 5: Proof of performance from the 5th semester. This form is submitted before the start of the 5th semester. 
  • Further evidence: Proof of rent or income. It is submitted with the main application. 

Important deadlines:

  • Initial application: Submit the application in good time before the start of the semester or school year.
  • Repeat applications: A repeat application must be submitted before the end of the approval period in order for the funding to continue seamlessly.
  • Proof of performance: These are required from the 5th semester at the latest in order to continue to receive funding. This is a certificate according to § 9 BAföG paragraph 1, 2 or 3. 

An overview of the most important forms and deadlines in a table:

Submission deadline
Form 1
General information about yourself
By the start of the semester at the latest
Form 2
Proof of study/training suitability according to § 9 BAföG
Before the start of the semester
Form 3
Information on the parents' income
With the main application
Form 4
Information on children
For the main application
Form 5
Proof of performance from the 5th semester
Before the start of the 5th semester
Proof (income, rent, etc.)
Further proof required
With the main application

Conclusion on Naturalization with application for Bafög

The combination of BAföG funding and Naturalization may seem complex at first glance, but it is easy to manage if you pay attention to the most important points. BAföG offers you financial support without negatively influencing the Naturalization process.

Summary of the most important points on Bafög funding

  • BAföG is not a social benefit and does not have a negative impact on Naturalization .
  • Repayment terms are flexible and can be adapted to your financial situation.
  • Proof of income is crucial for proving that you can support yourself. This will help you at Naturalization!
  • Repayment even after Naturalization You must also repay the money after Naturalization . The Naturalization has no influence on this. 

How the combination of Bafög and Naturalization works successfully

  • Deadlines and supporting documents: Adhere to all relevant deadlines and submit the required documents on time.
  • Communication with authorities: Inform both the BAföG office and the naturalization office about any changes in your life situation.
  • After your studies: Plan your financial security after your studies so that you can manage Naturalization without any problems.
Our recommended reading
BAB and Naturalization - How vocational training allowance increases your chances of naturalization!

Vocational training allowance (BAB) not only offers financial help during your training, but can also significantly increase your chances of getting the Naturalization . In this guide, you will find out which conditions you need to fulfill

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about applying for BAföG and Naturalization

You can apply online via BAföG Digital or at the relevant BAföG office. Complete the form and submit all the necessary documents.

Among other things, you will need: ID card, certificate of enrollment, parents' proof of income, your own proof of income (if available), rental agreement and your bank details.

The income limit varies depending on the family and living situation. However, there are allowances that reduce the parents' income, which is why an application can be worthwhile even if you have a medium income.

You only have to repay the loan portion, around 50% of the grant. The maximum repayment amount is 10,000 euros.

Yes, BAföG is not considered a social benefit and does not have a negative impact on your Naturalization .

Yes, the repayment of the BAföG loan continues even after Naturalization .

You must provide proof of your financial situation, such as the BAföG notification and, if applicable, proof of income.

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